Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 14

Well Folks, I hit the 15lbs mark today..... come on body we can do this!! hahah  I'd love 5-10 more this round! how awesome that would be!!!  It's nice, all my pants are getting big and feeling baggy, my shirts and bras are too.... I'm getting excited to start P90X again... it's going to feel goo working out again, and feeling better about myself!

The bad thing about having an ear infection, is the medicine they put me on, I need to eat with food, so I don't think I'm cheating, but I'm just eating a bit different right now. 

I had coffee and water this morning, that at 9ish i had 2 pieces and a few onions of my beef sautee that will be for lunch also... just to get something with consistancy in my stomach.

For lunch then, I'll have the 2 or 3 little pieces of beef I have left, and add 2 or 3 small chicken stips (pieces...probably 45oz.)  add a little bit of acv, spicy brown mustard to it, and use it as a sauce, and pour over my lettuce.  I also have half an apple from last night that I didn't finish, that I will eat with it.

Starting Sunday, I'm going to cut out fruit all together.  YES I KNOW FRUIT IS GOOD FOR YOU..... but it also has the extra carbs/sugars, that for the rest of the month I can do without!  the carbs/sugars in fruit are the ones that go to your gut... so if you want to get a supper smoothe tummy cut that and do just protein and veggies.....  so I can do that for a limited time..

I'm really getting excited for my birthday. Jessie and I are going to go shopping for a new outfit Sat 30.... so that will be fun!  Hopefully I can find something svelte and chic! :)

Tonight I don't work, so I get to have dinner with my Penelope! yeah!!!

Tomorrow will be a nice good test!  Heather is in town and all us girls are getting together!!  They will all be drinking.... but Heather and me.. SO that's good that she's preggers now, so I don't feel like the odd duck out..... buck buck... oh well!

Ok, hasta la vista!!!

!"you fall in love and get married, then you CHOOSE everyday for the rest of your life to love that person no matter what! that's marriage" AW. :)   Thanks Annie for this too!! It's blessed a lot of my friends....... God's timing is perfect!   now someday I'll get the pleasure of living that! 

oH and Shania Twains: When You Kiss Me, has become my new favorite song......



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